According to researchers, stem cells govern how fast we age. However, recent studies have shown that by bringing new stem cells into the body, we might be able to slow down or even reverse the aging process. We all want to cheat aging and stay young, and with help from stem cells, we might be able to do that.

What are stem cells and how can they prevent aging?

Stem cells are defined as the raw materials of the human body. Simply put, they can develop into a variety of other cell types. These include anything from brain cells to muscle cells, they can even fix any tissues that were damaged during an accident. Researchers believe that in the long run, stem cells might help us treat Alzheimer’s or even paralysis.

The reason why stem cell therapy works is because they replace the damaged, old cells and in doing so, they slow down aging. Of course, these can only do so much, since due to function and quantity decline, some damaged/old cells can’t be replaced or regenerated. However, stem cell therapy can be efficient, especially in the case of younger patients. 

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

Platelet Rich Fibrin is an all-natural solution that can treat hair loss as well as areas of the face that show the first signs of aging including sagging skin and deflated cheeks. PRF treatment uses the patient’s own blood to acquire stem cells, fibrin, white blood cells and platelets. Because PRF is a by-product of the patient’s blood it promotes better healing and stimulates collagen production, which reduces the appearance of facial wrinkles and aging skin.

The treatment involves a specialist drawing a blood sample then the PRF is separated from the rest of the blood using a centrifuge. Once the PRF has been extracted, it can either be injected into facial folds or wrinkles or massaged into the skin during microneedling. The combination of PRF and microneedling provides an all-natural skin rejuvenating treatment which targets fine lines, scars, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. Whereas PRF facial injections plumps up the injected area, stimulating elastin and collagen production. Just like dermal filler, PRF injections provide facial contouring when injected to areas like the cheeks, chin, and jawline.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma face treatment (also known as a Vampire facial) involves applying the patient’s own blood platelets to the face to boost the healing process and rejuvenate the skin. The PRP treatment is used with microdermabrasion or micro-needling to stimulate collagen production. This procedure helps stimulate new cell growth which improves skin texture, helps remove fine lines, and protects the skin from photoaging.

The treatment involves the specialist drawing blood from your body. The blood is added to a centrifuge in order to achieve the correct platelet concentration. If the treatment involves microdermabrasion or micro-needling, the specialist will numb the skin with a topical anesthetic. Following this, the skin will either be pricked with a device, or the specialist will use a special roller over the skin to stimulate the production of collagen while the small punctures allow the PRP to penetrate the skin. The PRP is then massaged into the skin.

After the treatment, some redness or irritation may occur which will clear up over the course of a few days. To aid recovery time, the specialist will advise you to not wear makeup and avoid excessive sun exposure for a few days. Sun protection is needed when in sunlight.


A big difference between PRF and PRP is that PRP doesn’t just offer platelets but also provides fibrin and white blood cells which helps to eliminate the effects of smoking and sun damage and encourage the skin to create more elastin for smoother, younger-looking skin. Another big reason why PRF is seen as more effective than PRP is that it releases more growth factors overtime which means that the treatment continues working even after the procedure is completed.

Other stem cells with anti-aging properties

Another promising stem cell treatment for anti-aging is Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) therapy. MSCs are well-known for treating degenerative diseases due to their anti-inflammatory and self-renewable properties. MSC therapy helps combat aging by assisting our bodies to regenerate cellular tissues in the skin (as well as joints, bones, and organs). This rejuvenation allows the skin and body to age more gracefully.


Stem cells are able to slow down aging and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While these therapies are constantly improving, it’s safe to say that stem cells have already helped many people all over the world. And, as time goes by and more research is conducted, we can end up accessing amazing results in the long term.

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